Recent content by oufl

  1. oufl

    Minor Typo

  2. oufl


    thanks raptor, but it says my discord account isnt linked, when i try to do /discord in mc chat it says "your discord is already synced" how do i fix this
  3. oufl


    how do i unlink my discord from my minecraft account?
  4. oufl

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

    Aw thanks Kayla. Glad I made your day!
  5. oufl

    Banned for false causes

    Lmfao u were still recording when u went on Netflix xD
  6. oufl

    Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

    Merry Christmas!
  7. oufl

    Forums Glitch

    Thanks! Ill try now
  8. oufl

    Forums Glitch

    it won't lemme upload my screen shot of my build for some reason
  9. oufl

