Search results

  1. VenomousLemon

    /place Manapoly board!

    Hello, Manacubians! As many of you know the /place board now has a minimum placed blocks per day counter. As it may be closing in the coming week or less, some of us have come up with an idea to make a Monopoly board that is the full 512x512 map! This Manapoly board has squares for all of the...
  2. VenomousLemon

    Peps pants

    This is a pep pants appreciation post. We love peps pants. Thats all goodbyee @FrozenPepsi
  3. VenomousLemon

    Terry is a simp

    Terry is a simp confirmed
  4. VenomousLemon

    Taking in community suggestions :D

    Howdy dowdy Skyblock people! Even though this season has only just started, it has been very chaotic in the community. I want to help the community more so I am going to start collecting suggestions and submitting them weekly to possibly be added.You can suggest things to me on discord, forums...
  5. VenomousLemon

    What’s your favorite part of skyblock?

    what’s your favorite thing about skyblock? Mine is the small community on oasis that I’ve grown to know pretty well:D
  6. VenomousLemon

    New crafting perk

    Ok, I don't know if this is possible but I had the idea to add another crafting perk. Right now there is /craft (/wb) and /block that lets you craft. I had the idea that there can be a perk that lets you craft items without needing to do/craft or have a crafting table. It could be something...
  7. VenomousLemon

    Mining 20k blocks quest and other mining quest

    Howdy, so I have recently found that the mining 20k blocks for /q does work dunno if I’m dumb and never realized or if more people just thought it was broken. The quest just doesn’t count cobble stone on oasis and many blocks on Aztec.
  8. VenomousLemon

    I have to many items please take/selling stuff on oasis

    Howdyyyy so on oasis I’m giving away a bunch of items on oasis cause I have a lot of custom enchant books I don’t want. I have every single ce books besides overload. I have loads of general game items like nether stars flight cookies and guardian and obsidian armor. I am also selling 3...
  9. VenomousLemon

    Best Pokémon

    What Pokémon is the best/cutest?