In General, Do you care about the staff promotions?

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Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
963 435
I like the staff promotions personally but I had a talk with another player on discord wondering if he cared about them. He said he does, but he thinks the best choice is for them to be kept private and or we can see it in game and see it on the thing Dacon Post at the end of the months

Reasons why Staff Promotions should be Private:

Do you Think Staff Promotions Should Be Kept Private?
Do you think there should be a role on the discord to see Staff Promotions?
Friendly Reminder, I was wondering what the community thinks about them and if they should be changed to where they are private and players find out them selves.
NO HATE TOWARDS STAFF I WAS JUST WANTING TO KNOW WHAT THE PLAYER BASE THINKS as I think Staff Promotions are cool and all I just want to know if ManaCube Community thinks there could be a sort of change towards that.

Some people may think its something useful like a release of a server or something but it would be a staff promotion which i think would be best as kept private and be able to find out in game.
Once again no hate towards staff.
Edit: Links werent working so try copy and pasting these
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Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2018
225 10
I disagree with this. Even if a staff were to want it to be private, it’d be kinda obvious when they were Mod instead of Helper one day. Also I personally care a lot as I’m fairly close with many of the staff members and I love congratulating them on their promotions.


Dedicated Member
Nov 10, 2015
178 13
I personally don’t see an issue with it, as these staff members should be congratulated considering they’ve proven themselves good enough at their job to be given more responsibility :)


Nov 2, 2017
1,315 43
If people don't like it, they can turn off @everyone and mute the channel.


Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,353 83
Personally, I like the announcement for Staff Promotions as a way to encourage staff to do well.

I don’t see why staff promotions would be considered a “private” thing, as either way it’ll be announced (in-game and the monthly update posts), plus its a good way to keep the playerbase informed with staff positions, so they know who they’re able to contact should they have an issue.

It’s nice hearing players opinions on things though!


Nov 2, 2017
1,315 43
Nov 5, 2019
no i dont care. every staff they pick is just as poor and biased as the others. favoring the word of their friends rather than randoms who arent very close with anyone like me. the sensationalizing of staff members only makes the situation worse in my personal opinion as it becomes more of a popularity contest than anything else.

Now you'll say "but generalmantiss, you handsome gorgeous animal, dont you have many friends?" the answer is yes but you also might ask "but they proved themselves to be qualified enough!!!". by what standard? what is the criteria to become a staff member? how often is the choice down to simple merit/ability rather than popularity/likability? from what i can see most people who are chosen as staff already have plenty of friends on the server and are rather well liked or well known even before they are staff. how come there are no randoms that become staff?

but again personally i dont care. staff members are and always will be completely obnoxious aspects of the minecraft experience and their existence causes me great pain as at least 20% of the time a staff member has punished me it has been for something completely absurd and just downright incorrect. "oh but generalman-tits dont your problems get resolved once you report the big dumb mod for [her] inability to perform her only job properly?" yes, sure, usually when i complain about it my punishment is lifted (because usually im punished for stupid reasons i guess idk) but it not only takes a lot of effort to do this but it also takes a long time for it to get recognized. and you never even know what happens to the staff member. are they just let off the hook? do they get told "its okay you did your best" or something stupid like that? AND YOU DONT GET COMPENSATED EVEN SLIGHTLY FOR THEIR INCOMPETENT DECISIONS. why is that? who the fuck goddamn knows its my guess against yours.

anyway yeah staff members suck and if dark energy is somehow generated infinitely the universe will expand forever until it slowly decays away submitting to entropy into the era where time itself becomes pointless and events no longer occur within our dimension. this has been generalmantiss resident underwear model of

Mantiss, out.


Forum Legend
Jun 10, 2018
994 38
no i dont care. every staff they pick is just as poor and biased as the others. favoring the word of their friends rather than randoms who arent very close with anyone like me. the sensationalizing of staff members only makes the situation worse in my personal opinion as it becomes more of a popularity contest than anything else.

Now you'll say "but generalmantiss, you handsome gorgeous animal, dont you have many friends?" the answer is yes but you also might ask "but they proved themselves to be qualified enough!!!". by what standard? what is the criteria to become a staff member? how often is the choice down to simple merit/ability rather than popularity/likability? from what i can see most people who are chosen as staff already have plenty of friends on the server and are rather well liked or well known even before they are staff. how come there are no randoms that become staff?

but again personally i dont care. staff members are and always will be completely obnoxious aspects of the minecraft experience and their existence causes me great pain as at least 20% of the time a staff member has punished me it has been for something completely absurd and just downright incorrect. "oh but generalman-tits dont your problems get resolved once you report the big dumb mod for [her] inability to perform her only job properly?" yes, sure, usually when i complain about it my punishment is lifted (because usually im punished for stupid reasons i guess idk) but it not only takes a lot of effort to do this but it also takes a long time for it to get recognized. and you never even know what happens to the staff member. are they just let off the hook? do they get told "its okay you did your best" or something stupid like that? AND YOU DONT GET COMPENSATED EVEN SLIGHTLY FOR THEIR INCOMPETENT DECISIONS. why is that? who the fuck goddamn knows its my guess against yours.

anyway yeah staff members suck and if dark energy is somehow generated infinitely the universe will expand forever until it slowly decays away submitting to entropy into the era where time itself becomes pointless and events no longer occur within our dimension. this has been generalmantiss resident underwear model of

Mantiss, out.
I think you're just saying this because you don't understand the reasoning behind your mutes. Players think mutes are personal - They are not. We only punish players if they break rules, and if a false punishment was given out, we have the appeal system so punishments can be looked at again. You can report a staff member on the forums if you think they aren't doing their jobs properly.
You don't know what happens to the staff member - Correct. But we do. I guarantee you, that reports ARE looked into. I don't think I can show you evidence of this, but they definitely do.

I appreciate you voicing your concerns about the staff team, but attacking people on the forums is not the way to do this.
If you don't like the staff team, you are not forced to be a part of the community.

But back to the main topic. Staff promotion announcements are a way to tell players that these specific staff members are doing so well that they deserve to be able to do more for Manacube - Which means more responsibility.
If you were in our shoes, wouldn't it be awesome for someone to literally announce how much someone deserves a promotion?
It also gives players the reminder that, that staff member, is now a rank higher and can do more for you.

As Tasses said, you can mute the announcements channel if you wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2019
50 13
I think you're just saying this because you don't understand the reasoning behind your mutes. Players think mutes are personal - They are not. We only punish players if they break rules, and if a false punishment was given out, we have the appeal system so punishments can be looked at again. You can report a staff member on the forums if you think they aren't doing their jobs properly.
You don't know what happens to the staff member - Correct. But we do. I guarantee you, that reports ARE looked into. I don't think I can show you evidence of this, but they definitely do.

I appreciate you voicing your concerns about the staff team, but attacking people on the forums is not the way to do this.
If you don't like the staff team, you are not forced to be a part of the community.

But back to the main topic. Staff promotion announcements are a way to tell players that these specific staff members are doing so well that they deserve to be able to do more for Manacube - Which means more responsibility.
If you were in our shoes, wouldn't it be awesome for someone to literally announce how much someone deserves a promotion?
It also gives players the reminder that, that staff member, is now a rank higher and can do more for you.

As Tasses said, you can mute the announcements channel if you wanted to.
i understand the reasoning behind my mutes almost all the time actually. wouldnt you believe it that 2/3 times that i have been muted or punished in this community i have spoken out against it and my claims were seen to be correct and the punishments lifted. :O is this acceptable by your standards? for this level of poor moderating sense? i hope its not because ive heard lots of good things about you in particular as a staff member and if even your threshold of what is considered good moderating is that low im going to cry, it makes me that sad :(

and you say that mutes/punishments are not personal, im going to have to disagree. there are mods that i have observed going out of their way to punish me in particular (i wont say her name because im not attacking people on the forums like you say i am) and i have proven them to have punished me unfairly not once, not twice, well actually yes twice. 2 times. either she is just insanely unlucky with me or she harbors a particular dislike of me. make of that what you will.

if you have seen my staff reports you will understand that i think the staff report procedure is about as unnecessarily complicated as getting a drivers license. its just fucking ridiculous if im going to be honest. if a staff has done something wrong. i should be able to just go on the discord, find a channel that deals with this kind of unfair treatment, and voice my concerns. rather than going on a 5 minute tirade about why i think this moderator is unfair and big dumb. the appeal system is also stupid. 3 hours is how long my punishments have been on average. it takes about 1-2 hours for these appeals to be looked into. what in the goddamn fuck is the point of appealing then haha?

and i do not doubt that you people look into the staff reports. in fact im sure you do. what im concerned about, rather, is the punishment/disciplinary action exacted on the staff in question. do they simply get told not to do it again? or do they actually get a meaningful, impactful punishment? dont tell me even this is beyond what you are able to disclose? and i understand im not forced to be part of a community that i disagree with but i am also someone who gets easily frustrated by things that are not done properly or professionally especially when they claim to be so.

if your point is "if you dont like it you can leave" then im afraid thats just a non-argument.

hope you understand my frustration :) as a lot of people seem to think that im just upset because i was unfairly muted once or something when, in fact, it has been PROVEN BY YOUR VERY OWN STAFF TEAM OR ADMIN TEAM OR WHATEVER, that i have been subjected to this treatment multiple times in the span of a couple of months. do you find this satisfactory levels of competence? look forward to hearing back from you Anxi, i think u have a brain which is a rare thing indeed among your peers.


Forum Legend
Jun 10, 2018
994 38
I'm glad you think I have a brain lol. I DO understand your frustration. Believe me, I've been on the other end too. I've actually yelled at some staff before for doing their job incorrectly. (I was wrong.) If that member is reading this now, I'm really sorry xD But please believe me when I say I really do understand why you are frustrated.

I'm sorry this has been your experience on Manacube - I really really am.
Mistakes can be made. We aren't perfect. We're a bunch of people moderating a Minecraft Server.
We have tried to make our mistakes right, hence the appeal system. So so many of our staff members are in different timezones, which is why appeals take a bit of time. We need input from other staff. We need things to be looked into properly.
You were NOT targeted. We try our hardest to make things as fair as possible. I'm sorry it had to be you, twice. I swear to you, that is sheer bad luck. I'd rather not be going back and fourth with you on the forums like this, I know you've said to me you don't like one on one messages but I really think we'd be able to actually make progress with our discussion :p

Cookie Kat

Forum God
Oct 17, 2018
1,276 98
no i dont care. every staff they pick is just as poor and biased as the others. favoring the word of their friends rather than randoms who arent very close with anyone like me. the sensationalizing of staff members only makes the situation worse in my personal opinion as it becomes more of a popularity contest than anything else.

Now you'll say "but generalmantiss, you handsome gorgeous animal, dont you have many friends?" the answer is yes but you also might ask "but they proved themselves to be qualified enough!!!". by what standard? what is the criteria to become a staff member? how often is the choice down to simple merit/ability rather than popularity/likability? from what i can see most people who are chosen as staff already have plenty of friends on the server and are rather well liked or well known even before they are staff. how come there are no randoms that become staff?

but again personally i dont care. staff members are and always will be completely obnoxious aspects of the minecraft experience and their existence causes me great pain as at least 20% of the time a staff member has punished me it has been for something completely absurd and just downright incorrect. "oh but generalman-tits dont your problems get resolved once you report the big dumb mod for [her] inability to perform her only job properly?" yes, sure, usually when i complain about it my punishment is lifted (because usually im punished for stupid reasons i guess idk) but it not only takes a lot of effort to do this but it also takes a long time for it to get recognized. and you never even know what happens to the staff member. are they just let off the hook? do they get told "its okay you did your best" or something stupid like that? AND YOU DONT GET COMPENSATED EVEN SLIGHTLY FOR THEIR INCOMPETENT DECISIONS. why is that? who the fuck goddamn knows its my guess against yours.

anyway yeah staff members suck and if dark energy is somehow generated infinitely the universe will expand forever until it slowly decays away submitting to entropy into the era where time itself becomes pointless and events no longer occur within our dimension. this has been generalmantiss resident underwear model of

Mantiss, out.
Okay, well I'm gonna have to disagree with this- because staff are picked by the other staff. The players can give feedback, but the final decision is down to the staff members. However, I do agree that several of the staff members are people who are well known even before getting the rank. But let's say a non applies for staff- they seem to be very skilled and meet all the requirements. In fact, they go above and beyond! Buttt not many people are sure who this person is. Obviously it would be hard to fake this large scale kind of essay, but the staff might not know the person as well which can put them at a disadvantage. This is NOT to say nons can't be staff, it just means that the more well known players who meet the requirements are more likely to get staff. Also, all the staff started out as nons at one point or another, they all had to work for their status. This is mostly my opinion, so please don't take this as a personal attack because it's not.


Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2019
115 15
I think you're just saying this because you don't understand the reasoning behind your mutes. Players think mutes are personal - They are not. We only punish players if they break rules, and if a false punishment was given out, we have the appeal system so punishments can be looked at again.
Thats where ur so wrong lmao, ive seen so many false punishments but i just havent wasted my time on reporting the staff members because i already know nothings gonna happen to em lmfao.. some staff ALWAYS just makes up rules while we talking.. about 80% of the staff on here does not do their jobs correctly, but do they get demoted? hell no.... lol of course you will deny this because youre a mod, but if you were a normal player ud been able to look at it from a Whole different perspective and youd understand what i mean. im speaking for about 97% of the players when i say this… (btw this has NOTHING to do w my punishment so dont even try to use that against me like u tried to do w @generalgila LOL)

Claire ❤️

Nov 23, 2019
16 5
Thats where ur so wrong lmao, ive seen so many false punishments but i just havent wasted my time on reporting the staff members because i already know nothings gonna happen to em lmfao.. some staff ALWAYS just makes up rules while we talking.. about 80% of the staff on here does not do their jobs correctly, but do they get demoted? hell no.... lol of course you will deny this because youre a mod, but if you were a normal player ud been able to look at it from a Whole different perspective and youd understand what i mean. im speaking for about 97% of the players when i say this… (btw this has NOTHING to do w my punishment so dont even try to use that against me like u tried to do w @generalgila LOL)
As a player, I have no idea what you're talking about. I can assure you that staff don't make up rules because when I first joined, I would always check the rules on the forums and they would always echo what the staff member had said. And you say that nothing's going to happen when you report staff. Didn't the OP say multiple times that whenever he protested his mute that it was repealed?


Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2019
115 15
As a player, I have no idea what you're talking about. I can assure you that staff don't make up rules because when I first joined, I would always check the rules on the forums and they would always echo what the staff member had said. And you say that nothing's going to happen when you report staff. Didn't the OP say multiple times that whenever he protested his mute that it was repealed?
well clearly ur one of the 3% of the players that loves the staff.. u haven't been in arguments w any, u haven't stood up against any staff member so u wouldn't know lol

Claire ❤️

Nov 23, 2019
16 5
well clearly ur one of the 3% of the players that loves the staff.. u haven't been in arguments w any, u haven't stood up against any staff member so u wouldn't know lol
Don't you think there can be middle ground between hating the staff and loving the staff?
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