"Reviving The Forums"

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Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,359 83
Recently, it seems there has been a group of players who are interested in "reviving the forums" and making the platform a more active place. Now, if you know me, you know the forums are my favourite part of the network, since joining in 2018 I thoroughly enjoy engaging with players, discussing suggestions and hearing feedback from the community from crate ideas to events to punishments and rules - as well as providing support and taking part in the forum games. So I am the first person to support the idea of finding ways to encourage new players to be part of the forums and get involved in sharing their opinions and engaging with the wider community.

However, I think it is important to note that the forums was never designed to be as fast-paced of a platform for communication as the Discord for example. While I believe it is great to see players creating threads and commenting their thoughts on topics, the meaning is lost when it comes down to just farming posts and flooding the forums to be listed under the "most posts" section. In my opinion, when this happens, it has the opposite effect of encouraging others to join the forums and instead makes the platform look untidy, off-putting and filled with spam. A major factor in this also has been the new Matrix Rewards system which encourages players to make a daily post on the forums in order to get rewards. However, I think @Josh/P2 created an immediate and effective solution to this with his "This is for Rewards" thread. It prevents players creating entirely new threads which usually contribute nothing to discussions and die off quickly, further creating a bad look throughout the sub-forums.

That being said, I am not attempting to discourage anyone from being active on the forums - but, I believe there is a huge difference between being an active user and flooding the forums to rack up a higher post count. Now, from a staff perspective we are much more lenient with the forums and how we go about "punishing" and handling issues throughout threads - this is because it is not our goal to silence players or stop them from sharing thoughts, venting frustrations about rules/punishments/situations they have experienced, however, all we ask in return is that you use common sense and remain respectful. There are constructive ways to use the forums and encourage activity on the platform. Flooding posts every few moments is not one of these ways in my opinion - there is a reason for the cool-down on posting.

I believe the team and Dacon have taken productive steps to encourage the wider community to use the forums. For example: The monthly ELITE title polls have inspired players to share their ideas for custom titles, and offers the opportunity for players to have a say in which titles they would like the chance to win from crates. Whenever there are giveaways taking place, they choose players from both Discord AND the Forums, so players feel inclined to comment under announcement threads for the chance to win keys/cubits.

I bring this up, because around a year ago - before I came back to the staff team, I proposed some suggestions I had, with hopes of incentivising more players to use the forums and create more use for existing features. This was seen by Dacon, and it's clear he took the feedback on board and used it to create ways to have the community engage with the forums. The thread can be found here if you're curious: https://manacube.com/threads/forums-overhaul-incentives.86593/.

All in all, my point is that there are constructive ways to motivate players to be active on the forums - but making them spam filled and off-putting is not the way to go about it. I'd love to hear if there are any more ways players think the forums could be adapted to make newer players more inclined to get involved in discussions :)

BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
just farming posts and flooding the forums to be listed under the "most posts" section
its like how shrek53 claims he is trying to keep forums alive but if the most posts leader board was to be removed, i doubt he would be on here everyday posting like he does

if i wasnt banned on the discord, i think id still rather post here instead of talk to people on there

its pretty obvious that the forums werent made just for people to mess around on and have fun like the discord, 99% of people will just use this for updates, tickets, punishment appeals or applications so the forums arent exactly dead its just that its getting used in different ways that someone that just comes on here post a lot wont see. idk how to word what im trying to say but the forums has the forum games category for people to make up there own games and have people join in with them but again, the reason people say its dead is because they dont see people posting 10 times a day like they do even though the forums isnt necessarily made for that

i honestly have no idea if any of that makes sense i just said what came to mind


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
Recently, it seems there has been a group of players who are interested in "reviving the forums" and making the platform a more active place. Now, if you know me, you know the forums are my favourite part of the network, since joining in 2018 I thoroughly enjoy engaging with players, discussing suggestions and hearing feedback from the community from crate ideas to events to punishments and rules - as well as providing support and taking part in the forum games. So I am the first person to support the idea of finding ways to encourage new players to be part of the forums and get involved in sharing their opinions and engaging with the wider community.

However, I think it is important to note that the forums was never designed to be as fast-paced of a platform for communication as the Discord for example. While I believe it is great to see players creating threads and commenting their thoughts on topics, the meaning is lost when it comes down to just farming posts and flooding the forums to be listed under the "most posts" section. In my opinion, when this happens, it has the opposite effect of encouraging others to join the forums and instead makes the platform look untidy, off-putting and filled with spam. A major factor in this also has been the new Matrix Rewards system which encourages players to make a daily post on the forums in order to get rewards. However, I think @Josh/P2 created an immediate and effective solution to this with his "This is for Rewards" thread. It prevents players creating entirely new threads which usually contribute nothing to discussions and die off quickly, further creating a bad look throughout the sub-forums.

That being said, I am not attempting to discourage anyone from being active on the forums - but, I believe there is a huge difference between being an active user and flooding the forums to rack up a higher post count. Now, from a staff perspective we are much more lenient with the forums and how we go about "punishing" and handling issues throughout threads - this is because it is not our goal to silence players or stop them from sharing thoughts, venting frustrations about rules/punishments/situations they have experienced, however, all we ask in return is that you use common sense and remain respectful. There are constructive ways to use the forums and encourage activity on the platform. Flooding posts every few moments is not one of these ways in my opinion - there is a reason for the cool-down on posting.

I believe the team and Dacon have taken productive steps to encourage the wider community to use the forums. For example: The monthly ELITE title polls have inspired players to share their ideas for custom titles, and offers the opportunity for players to have a say in which titles they would like the chance to win from crates. Whenever there are giveaways taking place, they choose players from both Discord AND the Forums, so players feel inclined to comment under announcement threads for the chance to win keys/cubits.

I bring this up, because around a year ago - before I came back to the staff team, I proposed some suggestions I had, with hopes of incentivising more players to use the forums and create more use for existing features. This was seen by Dacon, and it's clear he took the feedback on board and used it to create ways to have the community engage with the forums. The thread can be found here if you're curious: https://manacube.com/threads/forums-overhaul-incentives.86593/.

All in all, my point is that there are constructive ways to motivate players to be active on the forums - but making them spam filled and off-putting is not the way to go about it. I'd love to hear if there are any more ways players think the forums could be adapted to make newer players more inclined to get involved in discussions :)
I am not only doing this for top posts i want to see forums revived i do not want to tell u staff what to do or nothin but i feel u guys NEED to do something forums is dead af (ik u have the rewards thing but everyone uses p2's post for that i feel like making the trophy points do something might get some more activity and adding new trophys
Make like claimable in game things depending on certain forums stuff like if u get 100 points u can get a cool trophy or smthing like that
its like how shrek53 claims he is trying to keep forums alive but if the most posts leader board was to be removed, i doubt he would be on here everyday posting like he does

if i wasnt banned on the discord, i think id still rather post here instead of talk to people on there

its pretty obvious that the forums werent made just for people to mess around on and have fun like the discord, 99% of people will just use this for updates, tickets, punishment appeals or applications so the forums arent exactly dead its just that its getting used in different ways that someone that just comes on here post a lot wont see. idk how to word what im trying to say but the forums has the forum games category for people to make up there own games and have people join in with them but again, the reason people say its dead is because they dont see people posting 10 times a day like they do even though the forums isnt necessarily made for that

i honestly have no idea if any of that makes sense i just said what came to mind
No i would continue to post as much as i do if the leaderboards were removed


Apr 6, 2021
219 3
The few people who do post just for more posts tend to discourage me from looking at forums as much as I used to. I like to use the “Recent Threads” section to see new posts but it’s hard when the whole section is filled with one or two names. These posts don’t ever seem to have much of a point so it feels as if they’re having the same effect as “rewards” posts.

In addition to that, comment sections on posts have also been taken over by the “revive the forums” players. Comment sections have been getting irrelevant comments to the post they are under which have caused spammy “conversations” in the comments. Don't get me wrong, I like people to give input and be active on the forums but when it takes up the entire “Recent Threads” section I think you’ve commented/posted a few too many times.

Newer players come here to ask questions and get help. It can be discouraging to ask for help somewhere where they don’t see anyone else asking for help. The spammy posts tend to drown out the new players posts and in result the newer players don’t get the proper help they asked for.

I’m glad you made this post and said what a few of us have been thinking. I don’t want these certain players to feel like we’re trying to push them off of forums, Just to see that there is better ways to post that don’t feel as spammy.

BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
The few people who do post just for more posts tend to discourage me from looking at forums as much as I used to. I like to use the “Recent Threads” section to see new posts but it’s hard when the whole section is filled with one or two names. These posts don’t ever seem to have much of a point so it feels as if they’re having the same effect as “rewards” posts.

In addition to that, comment sections on posts have also been taken over by the “revive the forums” players. Comment sections have been getting irrelevant comments to the post they are under which have caused spammy “conversations” in the comments. Don't get me wrong, I like people to give input and be active on the forums but when it takes up the entire “Recent Threads” section I think you’ve commented/posted a few too many times.

Newer players come here to ask questions and get help. It can be discouraging to ask for help somewhere where they don’t see anyone else asking for help. The spammy posts tend to drown out the new players posts and in result the newer players don’t get the proper help they asked for.

I’m glad you made this post and said what a few of us have been thinking. I don’t want these certain players to feel like we’re trying to push them off of forums, Just to see that there is better ways to post that don’t feel as spammy.
people such as yourself could easily start making new threads instead of complaining that its only one or two people randomly posting.. before he was told to stop, shrek would make interactive threads everyday whether it was for top posts or not, we could still interact with each other and he was the only person making these new threads. personally, i was just responding to them. everysingle person that complains about forums being dead can easily start posting, making interactive threads, making new games in forum games but no, they just go on about how dead it is.:eek::eek:
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I am not only doing this for top posts i want to see forums revived i do not want to tell u staff what to do or nothin but i feel u guys NEED to do something forums is dead af (ik u have the rewards thing but everyone uses p2's post for that i feel like making the trophy points do something might get some more activity and adding new trophys
Make like claimable in game things depending on certain forums stuff like if u get 100 points u can get a cool trophy or smthing like that

No i would continue to post as much as i do if the leaderboards were removed
maybe you would but from what you be saying about getting that number one place, it just seems you are only here for that
my bad i guess


Apr 6, 2021
219 3
people such as yourself could easily start making new threads instead of complaining that its only one or two people randomly posting.. before he was told to stop, shrek would make interactive threads everyday whether it was for top posts or not, we could still interact with each other and he was the only person making these new threads. personally, i was just responding to them. everysingle person that complains about forums being dead can easily start posting, making interactive threads, making new games in forum games but no, they just go on about how dead it is.:eek::eek:
What I was trying to say is that It’s hard to see other people’s posts because of how much certain people post, not that the forums is dead. Sorry if I didn’t word my comment to correctly get my point across, I’m still waking up.

BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
What I was trying to say is that It’s hard to see other people’s posts because of how much certain people post, not that the forums is dead. Sorry if I didn’t word my comment to correctly get my point across, I’m still waking up.
i think the main reason you dont see anyone else post is because they dont. when you say "certain people" im pretty sure you are talking about me and shrek and maybe the other guy dak or dag idk what his name is but the main reason you will see us so much is simply because nobody else decides to post. yeah we kinda take over the forums but since shrek was shouted at, you can see how little people actually post no matter whats happening with the active people. there is the occasional question about how to play or something like that but its not often and since someone such as shrek is so active, he gets to it before anyone so its not like that new player doesnt get help. and then there is the post here for reward thread thing that everyone and their mum posts on but that isnt something you would check on if you were trying to find different players to reply to if this makes sense


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
Recently, it seems there has been a group of players who are interested in "reviving the forums" and making the platform a more active place. Now, if you know me, you know the forums are my favourite part of the network, since joining in 2018 I thoroughly enjoy engaging with players, discussing suggestions and hearing feedback from the community from crate ideas to events to punishments and rules - as well as providing support and taking part in the forum games. So I am the first person to support the idea of finding ways to encourage new players to be part of the forums and get involved in sharing their opinions and engaging with the wider community.

However, I think it is important to note that the forums was never designed to be as fast-paced of a platform for communication as the Discord for example. While I believe it is great to see players creating threads and commenting their thoughts on topics, the meaning is lost when it comes down to just farming posts and flooding the forums to be listed under the "most posts" section. In my opinion, when this happens, it has the opposite effect of encouraging others to join the forums and instead makes the platform look untidy, off-putting and filled with spam. A major factor in this also has been the new Matrix Rewards system which encourages players to make a daily post on the forums in order to get rewards. However, I think @Josh/P2 created an immediate and effective solution to this with his "This is for Rewards" thread. It prevents players creating entirely new threads which usually contribute nothing to discussions and die off quickly, further creating a bad look throughout the sub-forums.

That being said, I am not attempting to discourage anyone from being active on the forums - but, I believe there is a huge difference between being an active user and flooding the forums to rack up a higher post count. Now, from a staff perspective we are much more lenient with the forums and how we go about "punishing" and handling issues throughout threads - this is because it is not our goal to silence players or stop them from sharing thoughts, venting frustrations about rules/punishments/situations they have experienced, however, all we ask in return is that you use common sense and remain respectful. There are constructive ways to use the forums and encourage activity on the platform. Flooding posts every few moments is not one of these ways in my opinion - there is a reason for the cool-down on posting.

I believe the team and Dacon have taken productive steps to encourage the wider community to use the forums. For example: The monthly ELITE title polls have inspired players to share their ideas for custom titles, and offers the opportunity for players to have a say in which titles they would like the chance to win from crates. Whenever there are giveaways taking place, they choose players from both Discord AND the Forums, so players feel inclined to comment under announcement threads for the chance to win keys/cubits.

I bring this up, because around a year ago - before I came back to the staff team, I proposed some suggestions I had, with hopes of incentivising more players to use the forums and create more use for existing features. This was seen by Dacon, and it's clear he took the feedback on board and used it to create ways to have the community engage with the forums. The thread can be found here if you're curious: https://manacube.com/threads/forums-overhaul-incentives.86593/.

All in all, my point is that there are constructive ways to motivate players to be active on the forums - but making them spam filled and off-putting is not the way to go about it. I'd love to hear if there are any more ways players think the forums could be adapted to make newer players more inclined to get involved in discussions :)
I do also have many ideas on stuff that could help forums but some mf gonna complain and get me in trouble if I make a post abt it


Sep 14, 2021
313 32
The few people who do post just for more posts tend to discourage me from looking at forums as much as I used to. I like to use the “Recent Threads” section to see new posts but it’s hard when the whole section is filled with one or two names. These posts don’t ever seem to have much of a point so it feels as if they’re having the same effect as “rewards” posts.

In addition to that, comment sections on posts have also been taken over by the “revive the forums” players. Comment sections have been getting irrelevant comments to the post they are under which have caused spammy “conversations” in the comments. Don't get me wrong, I like people to give input and be active on the forums but when it takes up the entire “Recent Threads” section I think you’ve commented/posted a few too many times.

Newer players come here to ask questions and get help. It can be discouraging to ask for help somewhere where they don’t see anyone else asking for help. The spammy posts tend to drown out the new players posts and in result the newer players don’t get the proper help they asked for.

I’m glad you made this post and said what a few of us have been thinking. I don’t want these certain players to feel like we’re trying to push them off of forums, Just to see that there is better ways to post that don’t feel as spammy.
I agree with this, while yes its nice that the forums are "active", random or new players who dont post as often seem to get lost in the "recent" post section because of the "spam" so to say.

I enjoy looking at the recent post section to see what new things have been posted (nothing against the people who post a lot every day) BUT it is kind of frustrating to always see the same handful of names in the recent posts when sometimes I want to see smaller posters content.

Quieter people get lost in the madness so to say.

A possible solution? Create a cooldown or a "limit" on how many times per day each player can show up on the "recent threads" section? This would allow the very active players to continue their activity while also allowing the -less frequent posters- a little bit of light.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
I agree with this, while yes its nice that the forums are "active", random or new players who dont post as often seem to get lost in the "recent" post section because of the "spam" so to say.

I enjoy looking at the recent post section to see what new things have been posted (nothing against the people who post a lot every day) BUT it is kind of frustrating to always see the same handful of names in the recent posts when sometimes I want to see smaller posters content.

Quieter people get lost in the madness so to say.

A possible solution? Create a cooldown or a "limit" on how many times per day each player can show up on the "recent threads" section? This would allow the very active players to continue their activity while also allowing the -less frequent posters- a little bit of light.
This idea I feel rlly sucks tbh no offence but let’s say that they did this limit thing and put it too let’s say’s 2 posts a day there are curly 3 people that post as far as I have seen @BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner) @Mr_DagALkeef_B7 and me say this 2 post limit was implemented there are 7 posts shown in the most recent bit meaning if all 3 of us used our 2 posts and were on most recent it would be atleast 16 hours on average b4 one of us could post again forums is dead I want to revive it in no way from what I have seen has the posts the 3 of us make caused players not to post more bc no one posts to begin with


Sep 14, 2021
313 32
This idea I feel rlly sucks tbh no offence but let’s say that they did this limit thing and put it too let’s say’s 2 posts a day there are curly 3 people that post as far as I have seen @BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner) @Mr_DagALkeef_B7 and me say this 2 post limit was implemented there are 7 posts shown in the most recent bit meaning if all 3 of us used our 2 posts and were on most recent it would be atleast 16 hours on average b4 one of us could post again forums is dead I want to revive it in no way from what I have seen has the posts the 3 of us make caused players not to post more bc no one posts to begin with
You explained it perfectly and that how it should work really.
That system would allow at least 1 person to show up on the recent posts list that's not one of you 3.

"reviving" the forums wont happen with only a handful of people posting daily, as Sara stated it can be more discouraging than encouraging seeing a few people constantly post everyday, because your single post would quickly get over ran by the other fast/multiple posters.

I understand your intent and your point, but you need to see it from a different perspective and you guys spamming forums everyday isn't going to "revive it"

The truth is, most people just don't care to post on the forums unless they get something out of it. (the rewards tab or giveaway posts)


Forum Expert
Jun 30, 2017
285 21
i think the main reason you dont see anyone else post is because they dont. when you say "certain people" im pretty sure you are talking about me and shrek and maybe the other guy dak or dag idk what his name is but the main reason you will see us so much is simply because nobody else decides to post. yeah we kinda take over the forums but since shrek was shouted at, you can see how little people actually post no matter whats happening with the active people. there is the occasional question about how to play or something like that but its not often and since someone such as shrek is so active, he gets to it before anyone so its not like that new player doesnt get help. and then there is the post here for reward thread thing that everyone and their mum posts on but that isnt something you would check on if you were trying to find different players to reply to if this makes sense
I'd like to point out that Shrek was not shouted at since, I myself was the one who dm'd him, Shrek was advised and asked to stop posting constantly on the forums as he was going around spamming the forums. It would be the same as anyone else who was doing it to the extent that Shrek was doing it. No one shouted at Shrek and no one told him to 'stfu' I saw that being said (somewhere else on the forums) I went into his dm's and as nicely as possible asked and advised him on how to keep out of trouble when it comes to the forums.


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
I'd like to point out that Shrek was not shouted at since, I myself was the one who dm'd him, Shrek was advised and asked to stop posting constantly on the forums as he was going around spamming the forums. It would be the same as anyone else who was doing it to the extent that Shrek was doing it. No one shouted at Shrek and no one told him to 'stfu' I saw that being said (somewhere else on the forums) I went into his dm's and as nicely as possible asked and advised him on how to keep out of trouble when it comes to the forums.
U are right srry I didn’t notice dosah say I was shouted at but yeah in no way was I shouted out or nothin I was told to calm down with the constant posting I did get a bit mad abt it and took it way further then I needed to including saying as u have pointed out that I was told to stfu I wasn’t told that but at the time it did feel like that

BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
I'd like to point out that Shrek was not shouted at since, I myself was the one who dm'd him, Shrek was advised and asked to stop posting constantly on the forums as he was going around spamming the forums. It would be the same as anyone else who was doing it to the extent that Shrek was doing it. No one shouted at Shrek and no one told him to 'stfu' I saw that being said (somewhere else on the forums) I went into his dm's and as nicely as possible asked and advised him on how to keep out of trouble when it comes to the forums.
yeah i know what happened, when i say he got shouted at i wasnt being literal i just cba to say something like "shrek was kindly told to stop spamming the forums" if i want to mention it. it was him that said he got told to stfu but yeah
Post automatically merged:

I agree with this, while yes its nice that the forums are "active", random or new players who dont post as often seem to get lost in the "recent" post section because of the "spam" so to say.

I enjoy looking at the recent post section to see what new things have been posted (nothing against the people who post a lot every day) BUT it is kind of frustrating to always see the same handful of names in the recent posts when sometimes I want to see smaller posters content.

Quieter people get lost in the madness so to say.

A possible solution? Create a cooldown or a "limit" on how many times per day each player can show up on the "recent threads" section? This would allow the very active players to continue their activity while also allowing the -less frequent posters- a little bit of light.
or you could just be more active on the forums. you could also just check individual categories instead of only looking at recent posts if you care so much about seeing certain posts


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
You explained it perfectly and that how it should work really.
That system would allow at least 1 person to show up on the recent posts list that's not one of you 3.

"reviving" the forums wont happen with only a handful of people posting daily, as Sara stated it can be more discouraging than encouraging seeing a few people constantly post everyday, because your single post would quickly get over ran by the other fast/multiple posters.

I understand your intent and your point, but you need to see it from a different perspective and you guys spamming forums everyday isn't going to "revive it"

The truth is, most people just don't care to post on the forums unless they get something out of it. (the rewards tab or giveaway posts)
Allow 1 person but what if that 1 person is asking for help they could be left wondering for hours due to us 3 seeing it but being able to help out cos of a recent posts limit so we can’t help them


Sep 14, 2021
313 32
Allow 1 person but what if that 1 person is asking for help they could be left wondering for hours due to us 3 seeing it but being able to help out cos of a recent posts limit so we can’t help them
Or it could have the opposite affect, what if you drown out their post and noone sees it for weeks?

Also, I think you misunderstood my suggestion.

A possible solution? Create a cooldown or a "limit" on how many times per day each player can show up on the "recent threads" section? This would allow the very active players to continue their activity while also allowing the -less frequent posters- a little bit of light.

Im not saying limit your posts im saying limit how many of your posts a day show up on the recent threads.

BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
"reviving" the forums wont happen with only a handful of people posting daily
feel free to start posting then? like i keep saying, all the people that complain about only seeing the same few people and how forums is dead, they never decide to start posting.. like i said previously, before shrek had to stop posting so much, he was actually posting things that everyone could interact with and now he isnt doing that its even more dead if you think about it.
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The truth is, most people just don't care to post on the forums unless they get something out of it. (the rewards tab or giveaway posts)
im one of the 3 that post everyday and im not speaking on behalf of the others but personally i gain nothing from posting, i just find it fun
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Allow 1 person but what if that 1 person is asking for help they could be left wondering for hours due to us 3 seeing it but being able to help out cos of a recent posts limit so we can’t help them
this is facts, shrek is the most active person on the forums which means when someone asks a question, he sees it and shrek isnt the type of guy to troll that person asking questions so they get a solid answer. if he wasnt able to post, the person wanting help has to wait longer than he would have.
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Im not saying limit your posts im saying limit how many of your posts a day show up on the recent threads.
this just wouldnt make sense? the recent threads shows which threads were interacted with most recently so if players can only show up on there a limited amount of times, it wouldnt be doing its job showing players which threads have acting viewers
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Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,359 83
I don't think we need to physically limit the amount people can post on the forums, there currently is a cool-down to prevent people from spam replying to threads. It just comes down to common sense and finding constructive ways to make the forums active rather than flooding it with posts.

Edit 1:
I do also have many ideas on stuff that could help forums but some mf gonna complain and get me in trouble if I make a post abt it
If you make constructive posts at a non-excessive rate, there won't be an issue - but using threads to converse in the way you do - specifically noticed between you and Dosah in the past - is when threads go off-topic. You're welcome to have conversations, but they do not have to be posted on the forums - you can DM other users through the forums also. When you were asked - politely, mind you - to relax the amount of posts you were posting per day, it was because it was extremely excessive and was across multiple sub-forums.

No one is telling you that you cannot post, but we are suggesting that you use common sense when making posts. Not every single thing has to be a standalone post or response. As I said, you can DM other users on the forums, you can also edit existing posts to add information you may have missed or want to add on to (example: what I'm doing right now).

This does not have to be a major debate, as I said initially, we are not threatening punishments for the use of the forums at this point. No one has threatened/suggested that there will be punishments - this is simply a conversation about the current state of the forums and expressing the opinion that in order to make the forums "active", other players need to feel as though they are able to interact on the platform, but with numerous players turning it into a competition to farm posts and flooding multiple sub-forums unnecessarily, that is having the opposite effect. One person can post as much as they like, but that is not increasing forum activity as a whole - it has to be a community effort - Other players are simply giving their opinion on it and how they feel - that they are put off from using the forums because of the incessant creation of threads / responses with the main goal being to farm the most amount of posts (in previous cases).

Edit 2:
I am not only doing this for top posts i want to see forums revived i do not want to tell u staff what to do or nothin but i feel u guys NEED to do something forums is dead af (ik u have the rewards thing but everyone uses p2's post for that i feel like making the trophy points do something might get some more activity and adding new trophys
Make like claimable in game things depending on certain forums stuff like if u get 100 points u can get a cool trophy or smthing like that
Realistically, the forums aren't "dead" - it's just not a fast paced communication platform and is not intended to be that way. The forums are mainly for players to make suggestions regarding realms, the network as a whole, share their creations/maps to be judged, and receive support either by asking questions through the "General" sub-forums or by creating support tickets to communicate directly with staff, as well as submit appeals/applications for various positions and roles on the network.

From my point of view, it seems as though you are attempting to use the forums as a substitute for Discord since your mute there, which is just not how the forums has ever worked. Of course, you are welcome to submit suggestions for ways that the forums can be improved - as I mentioned in my original post, I made a thread around a year ago talking about exactly what you suggested. You can read it here, @SHREK53.
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BIG DOSSY (Dacon's Owner)

Forum God
Oct 12, 2019
1,014 67
random or new players who dont post as often seem to get lost in the "recent" post section because of the "spam" so to say.
i dont even see recent threads getting spammed, yeah its the same names but thats just because people reply to the threads, we arent constantly making new ones at least not anymore


Forum God
Jul 28, 2022
1,196 302
i dont even see recent threads getting spammed, yeah its the same names but thats just because people reply to the threads, we arent constantly making new ones at least not anymore
Yeah I legit reply to every post I see whether its a (hi) a (this is for a rewards) a (I need help please) or anything else I try to respond
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