Accepted CrossOfHonour - hard map [Resubmission]

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Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2019
180 5
Ingame: jnns
Map name: CrossOfHonour
/plot visit jnns 11
Difficulty: hard
Number of jumps: ~65


A Pink Cow

Dedicated Member
Aug 22, 2020
291 1
Hullo Mika.. or should I call you jnns :)

Just here to give my review after testing your map! - Do bear in mind, I'm not a map judge so this doesn't affect whether it'll be accepted or not. Though I think there're some improvements that you could make!

Theme looks great, I did a quick search and the only other medal related map is Goalring, but I believe it's different enough!

Build works functionally and shapewise resembles the original.
Taking a quick look at the actual cross of honour, the center looks like a bird, but I do appreciate it's difficult shaping detail at that size. The only thing I might experiment and change is the choice of gold blocks. It's a bit jarring to the eye. Perhaps doing a quick /replace and experiment with some other block choices (try doublestoneslabs:9) would be better!

Parkour - I think the improvements to be made would be here
- The principle of making good pk between CPs in my opinion is putting hard jumps at the beginning of a cp to test 'technicality' of the player, and then less hard ones as the CP stretches to test 'endurance/consistency'. I've noted a couple of instances below where the pk would be technically demanding to a medium-skilled level player (I do understand these jumps are probably like ezpz for you :))

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.31.23.png

1st trapdoor to flowerpot is good technical skill to test and play, however the following sequence is daunting to do in 1 go. Finishing with this luck ladder just feels like ass to play
Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.32.14.png

Personal gripe is against water parkour
Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.30.37.png
This jump is super tight and I'm not a huge fan of it, your call if you want to change/nerf it

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.40.04.png

The final CP is an example of the principle mentioned earlier. Trapdoor jump good, wall jump good, then the luck vines at the end slap you in the face

An example of a great sequence would be the jumps below!
Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.43.37.png

From testing a -1 neo from before to a manageable head jump to save it with a CP is an example of a perfect CP placement! The sequence following that is also decent. p.s. I've got a couple more notes on a design/jump tips, so dm me if you want more feedback

I think overall the pk just requires a little more rework, but overall is a solidly worked map.

+0.5 from me, (reworked pk would bump it up to a +1), good luck!


Forum Expert
Nov 9, 2020
367 5
Heya Mika!

I'm loving this map, I love the details of the medal and the aesthetics are just perfect!
(Cow has gone over a load of points above, I shall try to add to those and also create my own!)
Just to preface, I am just giving my insight into your map and, in my opinion, the pros and cons!

» First off, let's go over the entire build, how it looks, the theme and originality; the build itself, as I said above is great, the details are precise and the aesthetics fit the theme and purpose of the map, to look like a medal haha! The build is also adapted to blend the parkour around it, so the parkour is smooth and flowing, I love how this works! The theme is original, only one other medal map as stated above by Cow, so all seems fine there! The amount of gold you used in the map is a little excessive in my opinion, as Cow said above try using 44:9 (double sandstone slabs) to even out the colors a little, you could also try 5:2 (birch planks) to shade/contrast the medal; other than this, I don't have anything else to add!

» Next, onto the parkour itself; all jumps fit the difficulty and there are the right amount of jumps to fit the difficulty, but there are some jumps, as Cow said, that should be closer/more consistent to the checkpoints. This is a big example:
To some players, this might be a headache but if they know the trick it's fine. It's right next to a checkpoint as well, which could be annoying, this is just my opinion.

Here's another jump that is fine, but I don't know why this piston block is here:
I mean, the jump from the ladder to the trapdoor isn't obstructed by this in any nature, so I don't know why it was put there, isn't needed in my opinion.

I agree with what Cow says above, some jumps need reworking, some of the parkour will need some editing to allow it to flow more smoothly!

» Overall the map gets an 0.5 from me. The build is wonderful and the parkour is great in some areas, only reason why I did not give the map a full +1 is due to the inconsistencies within the parkour, my points and Cow's included for this decision to be made. The theme is original and matches references perfectly, the color is a tad blinding, but again this is more aesthetical than anything else.

Great map Mika, I can't wait to see what changes you make to this map to allow it to flourish; it truly deserves it!!
All the best,


Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2019
180 5
Hullo Mika.. or should I call you jnns :)

Just here to give my review after testing your map! - Do bear in mind, I'm not a map judge so this doesn't affect whether it'll be accepted or not. Though I think there're some improvements that you could make!

Theme looks great, I did a quick search and the only other medal related map is Goalring, but I believe it's different enough!

Build works functionally and shapewise resembles the original.
Taking a quick look at the actual cross of honour, the center looks like a bird, but I do appreciate it's difficult shaping detail at that size. The only thing I might experiment and change is the choice of gold blocks. It's a bit jarring to the eye. Perhaps doing a quick /replace and experiment with some other block choices (try doublestoneslabs:9) would be better!

Parkour - I think the improvements to be made would be here
- The principle of making good pk between CPs in my opinion is putting hard jumps at the beginning of a cp to test 'technicality' of the player, and then less hard ones as the CP stretches to test 'endurance/consistency'. I've noted a couple of instances below where the pk would be technically demanding to a medium-skilled level player (I do understand these jumps are probably like ezpz for you :))

View attachment 40829
1st trapdoor to flowerpot is good technical skill to test and play, however the following sequence is daunting to do in 1 go. Finishing with this luck ladder just feels like ass to play
View attachment 40830

Personal gripe is against water parkour
View attachment 40832
This jump is super tight and I'm not a huge fan of it, your call if you want to change/nerf it

View attachment 40836

The final CP is an example of the principle mentioned earlier. Trapdoor jump good, wall jump good, then the luck vines at the end slap you in the face

An example of a great sequence would be the jumps below! View attachment 40840
From testing a -1 neo from before to a manageable head jump to save it with a CP is an example of a perfect CP placement! The sequence following that is also decent. p.s. I've got a couple more notes on a design/jump tips, so dm me if you want more feedback

I think overall the pk just requires a little more rework, but overall is a solidly worked map.

+0.5 from me, (reworked pk would bump it up to a +1), good luck!
Heya Mika!

I'm loving this map, I love the details of the medal and the aesthetics are just perfect!
(Cow has gone over a load of points above, I shall try to add to those and also create my own!)
Just to preface, I am just giving my insight into your map and, in my opinion, the pros and cons!

» First off, let's go over the entire build, how it looks, the theme and originality; the build itself, as I said above is great, the details are precise and the aesthetics fit the theme and purpose of the map, to look like a medal haha! The build is also adapted to blend the parkour around it, so the parkour is smooth and flowing, I love how this works! The theme is original, only one other medal map as stated above by Cow, so all seems fine there! The amount of gold you used in the map is a little excessive in my opinion, as Cow said above try using 44:9 (double sandstone slabs) to even out the colors a little, you could also try 5:2 (birch planks) to shade/contrast the medal; other than this, I don't have anything else to add!

» Next, onto the parkour itself; all jumps fit the difficulty and there are the right amount of jumps to fit the difficulty, but there are some jumps, as Cow said, that should be closer/more consistent to the checkpoints. This is a big example:
View attachment 40850
To some players, this might be a headache but if they know the trick it's fine. It's right next to a checkpoint as well, which could be annoying, this is just my opinion.

Here's another jump that is fine, but I don't know why this piston block is here:
View attachment 40852
I mean, the jump from the ladder to the trapdoor isn't obstructed by this in any nature, so I don't know why it was put there, isn't needed in my opinion.

I agree with what Cow says above, some jumps need reworking, some of the parkour will need some editing to allow it to flow more smoothly!

» Overall the map gets an 0.5 from me. The build is wonderful and the parkour is great in some areas, only reason why I did not give the map a full +1 is due to the inconsistencies within the parkour, my points and Cow's included for this decision to be made. The theme is original and matches references perfectly, the color is a tad blinding, but again this is more aesthetical than anything else.

Great map Mika, I can't wait to see what changes you make to this map to allow it to flourish; it truly deserves it!!
All the best,
First of all, thank you so much for the long replies, I really appreciate that you put so much effort in it! When I'll be on Manacube tomorrow I'll definitely take a look at the "weird" jumps you two guys have listed above. The piston jump which Jashhy mentioned: The one on the side where you said that it's confusing you should actually be kindbof a squeeze jump but now you have changed my mind (it's actually useless xd). I'll also try to give the medal a little bit more shape with a variety of blocks (for example with sandstoneslabs and birchwood) like you two said. I hope I see you soon! Have a nice day/night
(Typing this on my phone was pain lOl)


Forum Master
Dec 19, 2019
877 13
Hi Mika,

This map is now being put in Ongoing. This means your map has undergone a primary review by a map judge, and is ready to be discussed among the map judging team. Please be patient with us in this process, as it may take a few days before we come to a final decision about your map.

If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to message me on Discord.


Forum God
Jan 2, 2018
1,319 25
Hello qMika,

Your map will now be in reviewing; this means it is neither accepted or rejected just yet.

The theme is original, well done.
The build has improved from your previous submission; the medal looks way better.
The parkour is why this is entering the reviewing stage. It is varied throughout, so well done. However, some of the jumps are quite difficult/annoying for the difficulty, as well as a certain checkpoint that should be adjusted. I will label them below:


In order for your map to be accepted, these issues will have to be corrected. You have until one month from today (January 27th, 2021) to make these changes; otherwise, your map will be automatically rejected. As this thread is closed from public responses, you will have to message me either here on the forums, in-game, or on discord (Krissy#0008.)

Have a nice day,


Forum God
Jan 2, 2018
1,319 25
Hello qMika,

Thank you for making the requested changes; I am now happy to inform you that your map is being accepted!

Thank you for submitting this map, I would love to see more submissions from you!
Have a nice day,
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