Rejected "Dungeon" - Easy

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Mar 15, 2020
Hello, my username is adamada246, and my helper's username was Nitaiber06.
My map's name is "Dungeon" as it is themed after a dungeon.
Pictures: (Note: I would recommend visiting the plot, it's easier to see the details)



The map is located on my (adamada246's) plot #1. ( /plot visit adamada246 )
(Note: I would recommend visiting the plot, it's easier to see the details)
I would rate my map as easy.
There are around 28 jumps in total (not including the water elevator).
There are multiple signs throughout the level guiding the player where to go.
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Oct 29, 2019
Hi! I'm not a mod or anything, so whatever my input is won't actually determine if your map is accepted or not, but I just tried your map and there are a couple things I noticed, so I figured I'd try to help you out a little bit.
First, the map is a little short, even for easy. Being generous, I'd say there's about 18 jumps altogether, which is pretty low. I think most easy maps range from 25-40 jumps.
The layout is also a little confusing to me. There seems to be a platform at the bottom of the map, followed by a water elevator to get to the top of the dungeon, but there's no need to go down there - all of the initial jumps are possible, so you can very easily get to the main hole in the dungeon without going down to the platform, making the platform unnecessary. Further, there's nothing stopping people from just jumping off of the top of the tower to the blocks near the gold end platform, so one could skip almost the entire map. All of this combined means I actually can complete the entire parkour only pressing the spacebar a total of 9 times.
Finally, the parkour is a little monotonous, and doesn't fit the theme extraordinarily well.
So what would I do to change it? First, I would lengthen it - add some extra jumps to make it longer. Be sure to play around with different types of jumps and blocks to keep it interesting. Second, expand upon the dungeon theme, and add more decoration and builds around the parkour to really get the feel of a dungeon across. Third, consolidate the parkour so it's one linear flow. Finally, make sure there isn't any potential whatsoever for somebody to cheese part of it by being able to skip large chunks of the parkour. I think you definitely could make a very interesting build from this theme with these changes.
I hope to see what you come up with! And stay optimistic!
Mar 15, 2020
Hi! I'm not a mod or anything, so whatever my input is won't actually determine if your map is accepted or not, but I just tried your map and there are a couple things I noticed, so I figured I'd try to help you out a little bit.
First, the map is a little short, even for easy. Being generous, I'd say there's about 18 jumps altogether, which is pretty low. I think most easy maps range from 25-40 jumps.
The layout is also a little confusing to me. There seems to be a platform at the bottom of the map, followed by a water elevator to get to the top of the dungeon, but there's no need to go down there - all of the initial jumps are possible, so you can very easily get to the main hole in the dungeon without going down to the platform, making the platform unnecessary. Further, there's nothing stopping people from just jumping off of the top of the tower to the blocks near the gold end platform, so one could skip almost the entire map. All of this combined means I actually can complete the entire parkour only pressing the spacebar a total of 9 times.
Finally, the parkour is a little monotonous, and doesn't fit the theme extraordinarily well.
So what would I do to change it? First, I would lengthen it - add some extra jumps to make it longer. Be sure to play around with different types of jumps and blocks to keep it interesting. Second, expand upon the dungeon theme, and add more decoration and builds around the parkour to really get the feel of a dungeon across. Third, consolidate the parkour so it's one linear flow. Finally, make sure there isn't any potential whatsoever for somebody to cheese part of it by being able to skip large chunks of the parkour. I think you definitely could make a very interesting build from this theme with these changes.
I hope to see what you come up with! And stay optimistic!
Hi SpoopyBirb!
I appreciate your feedback! I counted the jumps (not including the water elevator) and there are 28 jumps, which fits the criteria. Also, the platform is necessary as you have to land there. The jump before it is more than 4 blocks, so you have to miss and land on the bottom platform. (The hole in the dungeon is for later in the map.) Also, there are barrier blocks on the top of the tower forcing the player to go the right direction. I designed the map well enough so that it is impossible to skip. I tried to give the map the feel of a dungeon with unexpected falls and turns and cobwebs scattered throughout the level. Furthermore, I played around with a water elevator, block parkour, ladder parkour, and fence parkour, to give the level a variety of obstacles. With your feedback, I was able to make some changes to my map that really made a difference. So, thank you so much!
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Forum Master
Jul 10, 2019
339 5
Hi @adamada246 ,

I am just giving feedback on your map. (Note my opinion has 0 effect on whether your map gets accepted, rejected, or put into reviewing. Only staff with map judge tag matter when it comes ) . The build and theme is unoriginal. Some tips is I recommend looking through before hand to see what themes have been done. Some ideas for more original builds our characters from your favorite movie/game. The build is also very basic/messy at parts it could be done better to be more interesting and not super samey. I also recommend adding in more block variety as there is only bedrock, nether brick fences and ladders on your map. Some blocks that are helpful that you could add are player heads, chest, enchanting table for some ideas. You have a bunch of repeating jumps. Some ideas you could do is add in a nerfed neo, head hitters, 1 block jump. The difficulty and the total jumps of 26 is good for an easy map though keep that up. I recommend also trying to keep the number of floating jumps down as it makes the parkour look messy. Try to keep the parkour attached to the build. Hope this helps.

Good luck on your map,



Forum Master
Dec 16, 2017
365 9
Hello adamada246 & Nitaiber06,

Unfortunately, I will be Rejecting your map.
The theme isn't very original, as maps that have a cave/dungeon/stone theme have been quite overdone. Please refer to the document in this thread - to make sure your map idea is original.
The build isn't great, as the main part is just the stone pillar. I would recommend having a bigger build that represents the theme in a way that you can build a specific type of building or structure, rather than just a block of stone, as it doesn't look very attractive.
The parkour is quite repetitive. You did use a few different types of blocks in your jumps which is good, however you did group your jumps quite a lot. What I mean by this, is that you would have a section of just ladder jumps, then just fence jumps etc. Try to mix up your jumps more throughout the map, as well as experimenting with a wide variety of blocks and items, to try and create more original and enjoyable jumps.
A lot of the parkour is floating. Try to avoid having too many jumps floating around the build and the void, as having an excessive number of floating jumps can make your map look quite messy.
The length and difficulty are good for an easy map.

Thanks for submitting your map! I hope to see more maps from you in the future.
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