Lets Get Even More Controversial with Staff


Forum God
Jul 30, 2019
557 20
Heya cuties!! A couple months back I asked staff 8 controversial questions that got pretty heated. Recently the forums resurfaced and with a bunch of new staff, I wanted to do this again. Now these questions aren't the normal controversial questions, I had to dig!! I hope yall enjoy There will be 5 questions now and in a couple days 5 more questions.

This caused heated discussion in our VC's but surprisingly more people said jif than I thought!

Gif: 21
JIf: 11
Phif: 1 Dylan is weird
Jeff: 1 Grim?
Milf: 1 Of course fire

"gif not jif, unless we're talking peanut butter then its jif not gif" - Light

"It is JIF. The creator said it was JIF. JIF is also a peanut butter brand. Also giraffes." - MCBYT

"It's pronounced 'gift' without the t. Jif is peanut butter" - ChaoticPhoenix7

"I dont say it in calls for this exact reason yo. 'Jif' all the way #notsoz" - Gapplegal

"I say letters the way they're supposed to sound.. G-I-F" - TeamJacob

"its GIF not JIF. ikik, the creator of gifs wants us to call them jifs but like, what is he going to do abt it? shout the same 5-second insult at us over and over?" - hdgf

"Phif (Fif), of course." - Dylan

"Its LITERALLY with a g, ya know the g stands for graphics! If it was believed to be with a j the acronym would nOt be a word that started with g!!" - Ranged

"Like it all depends on your mood. Gif as in Gift would be the normal human way to say it.. if they wanted it to sound like peanut butter they would have named it Jif.." - Kade

"If you pronounce it like the peanut butter jif, you’re dead to me" - Anacoustic

"G as in giraffe since GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format" - Sapphire

All in all I think the people who think GIF are way to passionate about it and those who think JIF stay quiet in fear of them! #JIfForLife

Before you read, staff ripped into me. But its ok, my secret is my hair is dyed!

"Ahem I will refrain from commenting since the person asking me is blonde" - ChaoticPhoenix7

"I mean have you seen Legally blonde? I rest my case. Actually, I just did some research and that isn't actually based on a true story. Oh and apparently Reese Witherspoon is naturally brown so there's that too. Things aren't looking too great in the blonde category right now imma be honest." - Dylan

"Redheads are 10,000 IQ gamers but the rest of us are simple ruffians" - MCBYT

"that’s a lie, i know stupid brunettes" -uhhabbie

"People with brown hair are smartest. (I'm not bias at all)" - TeamJacob

"They are as smart as brunettes and redheads unless your name starts with E and ends with lly" - Baroom

"I think blondes get a bad rep from majority of TV shows and movies. I think in most instances they're equally as intelligent or more intelligent than brunettes/redheads (Depends on the person). I had a really really really really REALLY smart blonde human in my chem and calculus class. She did swell so that was dope af." - Gapplegal

"At this point it's just a fact." - LimitedTwix

"Well it could be like stereotypes that throw people off or some will use it as an excuse. So no they aren't any sort of extra smart or dumb. Some people are hopless no matter their hair color." - Ranged

"Blondes are dumb. No offense elly <3" - Quick

" Id like to think brunettes are smarter but shurg" - noqturns

"depends who ur talking about, but if its abbie yes" - Rory

"i think we are all dumb and the brunettes and redheads are just trying to pin it all on blondes to make themselves seem smarter!" - Ashley (edited)
[8:15 PM]
"I'm gay so..." - Boomclaw

"if it wasnt Elly taking in my answers, i'd say yes." - hdgf

"Very simple, is Elly smarter than any brunettes/redheads ? You have your response" - ShinxRay

"no and that's a stupid question. except for elly she is definitely a dumb blonde." - Light

"No discriminating against blondes! Everyone can be smart" - Krissy

"nope I’m as dumb as a blond but I’m brunette" - Venom

"Elly you're a blond sooo" - FireRocket

"Hair color doesn't influence someone's intelligence" - Sapphire

"dr martin luther king once said "i dont judge by the color of ones hair but by the content of their character BUt blondes are dumber" - Jacobsfunparty

"The hair pigment left their head so idk about the brain cells too….." - Anacoustic

"Controversial question what if a brunet or a redhead dyed their hair blond? Then everyone dumb xD" - Grim

"I think everyone has the same chance to be equally as smart as anyone else." - RQ

"It depends looking at myself the order is Brown > Blonde > Ginger (from smartest to dumbest)" - CheesyPeanut

"You and Hayley have blonde... I rest my case <3" - EvanTech

"No smarter" - Kade

"yes and elly is living proof that this is true" - Swrds

"lmaoo im gonna say blondes" - Spur

"im blonde ;-; we smarties tho!" - Niels

"I have black hair and I’m dumb as heck!" - HallowQueen

"i am not a blonde but blondes ARE just as smart" - Becca

"Extroverts are too loud.. keep your thoughts quiet! Us introverts live in our crazy minds" - Hayley

"The only thing that's too loud is ur mother" - Fire

"Introverts aren't quiet they're just good in observing, don't put up a fight with an introvert because they know your weaknesses before you do. extroverts are just extroverts" - CheesyPeanut

"Extroverts are too loud, they always shouting" - Becca

"People exist too much period and that's the tea" - Krissy

"As an introvert, it's very loud in our heads, but does that mean it's very quiet inside an extrovert head ? Pretty sure they are always loud, so extroverts are just too loud." - ShinxRay

"Extroverts are way to loud" - SkyDieGame

" Introverts scare me and extroverts give me headaches. Therefore there's no winner." - TeamJacob

"neither, introverts are often just loud without you knowing and extroverts are quiet without you knowing - so it's actually quite even" - Terry

" Hakuna matata" - Anacoustic


"Extroverts dont give introverts a chance to speak..so we will never know" - Kade

"introverts too quiet" - Spur

"Both, goddamn extrovert people, let introvert people be in peace; always trying to start conversations nonstop geez" - Inktest

"extroverts are too loud tone it down" - Venom

"if an extrovert is too loud just turn them down!!!" - Swrds

"Introvert are too quiet, like homie I wanna hear what you have to say!!" - Ranged

"People are loud in general. Introverts just wait until you're stuck with them to start being loud" - ChaoticPhoenix7

"extroverts are too loud. i dont even WANT to know what some of you self proclaimed 'introverts' are thinking- keep it that way..." - hdgf

I think the team is full of introverts, so this question is a bit bias!! All the introverts said extroverts and all the extroverts said introverts. Just kind of says alot about this question.

Short: 14

Tall: 22

For the amount of people that said short, I shouldn't be bullied about my height!! 14 people would also love to live the short life and it is pretty amazing!!

"extremely short. i wanna feel like a smurf" - Ashley

"In the words of Jenna Marbles: "I WanNa BE TaAAALL"" - Light

"Extremely short so someone can throw me off a cliff. Sounds fun." - Hayley

"Extremely short so I could replace Remy in Ratatouille 2" - MCBYT

"Extremely tall for sure. Unfortunately that's the only option for you tho" - Quick

"Seeing as I am apparently already short, another couple inches off won't do much" - ChaoticPhoenix7

"I would rather be tall af and have major back problems. Do you know how many people I could annoy in a movie theater or at a concert? Do you know how many jars I could grab from the top shelf at supermarkets? Many, thats the answer ^-^" - Gapplegal

"Extremely tall because short people suck" - FireRocket

"I'd rather be like you, small, has more good than bad things. Well, not you small, I wanna be bigger than a mobile phone " - Inktest

"Elly wants to be extremely tall, I'm sure about it." - Shinx

"I'd rather be tall because bigger is always better." - TeamJacob

" Extremely tall so that I can then re-enact the King Kong scene in New York City. Applications currently open for someone to play the other person. Paying in cubits, probably*

*probably not" - Dylan

"extremely tall, im bout to ball on everyone" - Rory
[8:47 PM]
"Extremely tall, like giraffe tall, u could just watch over a bunch of people at once" - Becca

" im pretty tall alr and its awesome so tall!" - Niels

"Short people best people. Period" - Ping

"extremely tall so i can bounce on people in volleyball" - Jacobsfunparty

"I'm already tall, I'll give midget life a go!" - LimitedTwix

"Tall .. if you need to bend over or crouch down.. to get something you can... as well as reach high things... if you are short it is much harder to crouch up or bend up to get things" - Kade

"The air is thinner up there so I’d rather keep my life and be short" - Anacoustic

"really tall ig, i’d hate to be short (L elly)" - Swrds

"Short to see how it is like to live like Elly_x" - Grim

" I'd rather be shorter, you wouldn't have to worry about running into doorframes or being asked "what's the weather like up there?"" - Sapphire

"as a tall person, extremely short. please i am sick of this" - hdgf

"North Pole, duh. I am a yeti after all" - Light

"North Pole. Make a cabin. Make a fire. Put TV on. Solid day." - BoomClaw

"North Pole - planning to overthrow Santa and turn things into true capitalism. Wanna pay to be on the nice list?" - Dylan

"north pole (i live in canada and i like sweaters)" - uhhabbie

"North Pole. Skating and ice fishing yo. Also mirage heat waves are real and they suck" - ChaoticPhoenix7

"north pole, duh! santa, here i come!" - Ashley

"I’m Scottish so I always have horrible weather … so yeah, I’ll take the North Pole bc penguins!" - HallowQueen

"North Pole; With the use of blankets, jackets, etc... I can warm myself. What can I do on a desert? Bring icecubes? They melt, and molten water is water but ice is water and it melts" - Inktest

"north pole NO QUESTION- sand everywhere? sweltering temperatures? ill take my chances with the polar bears thanks." - hdgf

"north poll hohoho" - Venom

"Def north pole, gimme that eskimo hubby" - CheesyPeanut

"North pole all the way. I may freeze my nose off but atleast I can do it in style and not having to worry about dehydration." - Gapplegal

"heat is literally the worst so north pole fs, just wear loads of coats" - Swrds

"My skin is so light that if I live even 3 mins in a hot desert, I will transform into a BBQ cooked chicken, so it's North Pole for me." - ShinxRay
[8:57 PM]
"The North Pole, I'm hot enough to stay warm forever" - EvanTech

"sandy desert i think" - Jacobsfunparty

"Dessert" - Fire

" north pole, i'm too hot for a sandy desert, but not even the north pole is enough to cool me down" - Terry

"the north pole 100%, there’s cute polar bears and snow is just fun, who wants to be melting from the heat everyday"- Becca

"That's a trick question.. Southpole for me" - Ping

"I mean deserts get freezing at night, so you'd get the best of both worlds with sandy desserts. The argument I believe stands where if you live somewhere cold you can continue to layer up and if you live somewhere hot there are only so many layers to wear/not wear. I'd pick desert though since I'd get to live in the cold and hot." - Ranged

"I'd rather live in the desert, if its too hot outside I can just stay inside with AC or swim in a pool to cool off" - Sapphire

Our staff team is full of penguins and yetis! No wonder a majority said the cold!!!

Thank you all for reading!!! Let me know below what your answers are, I would love to hear. Stay tuned in a couple days to hear about chickens killing elephants :)


Forum Expert
Jan 9, 2020
395 5
these were so fun to answer, great questions elly!

sophiaaah <3

Forum Master
Jul 21, 2020
737 81
do more do more


Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2019
180 5
Fire questions!! Good job


Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
963 435
shinx has the best responses ngl.

If I was a staff here, I'd destroy opinions.


Active Member
Jan 15, 2022
idk why these are so interesting to read lmao


Forum Master
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 2, 2021
331 5
good thing im not staff. on the introvert/extrovert question id be giving a full essay about human nature. would be cringe