Lets Get Even More Controversial!!


Forum God
Jul 30, 2019
557 20
Welcome back!

Last time we got controversial with questions like, do straws have one hole or two, but now we are getting even worse. We have the age defining question of "is a hotdog a sandwich" as well as some amazing others. We also have even more participants, including the wonderful owners and @pesto that I somehow forgot last time!

"over it's bag legs, with the buttons on it's stomach, like it's a people." - HallowQueen

"dogs are not supposed to wear pants, so not at all" - Caleb (cries)

"Same as humans" - Dutchy

"Dog shouldn’t wear pants (only when it’s necessary for there health)" - Niels

"On das dogg butt" - SkyDieGame

"There is no right way for a dog to wear pants." - Purpz

"they don’t need to wear pants, but his hind ones " - Chiara

" all 4 legs and around the waist - if it's only the behind two legs imagine if another species tried to wear pants (spiders, jellyfish etc) - just wouldn't make sense" - Terry

"Dogs are meant to wear pants? I'm so sorry for looking at the dog's tail!" - Hayley

"There is no right way, dogs should not wear pants. They were born to be free..." - Abi

"Over the butt and back legs only, the rear cut out for bathroom breaks and the tail." - Nova

"dogs wear pants? uhm by putting their legs and tail through? pls idk" - Becca

"on the back paws, you would need to cut a hole for the tail first tho" - Madi

"Both ways are right (all legs/just back legs)" - Esther

"Covering the back legs, not all of them, the front legs are their arms, duh" - Amy

"There isn't a right way. It's a dog. No dog looks good in pants" - Alfie

"People who dress their dog.. should rethink their choices in life" - Kade

"However it god damn wants to now mind your own business" - Jib

"on its ears so they go flop" - Venom

"with difficulty" - Cele

"clearly just back legs. thats dumb to have all 4 legs. We don't have all 4 limbs in our pants" - Pesto

" dogs shouldn't wear pants, but i gave my dog a dress one time." - Abbie

"Clowns are just ........ they exist, and I hate it" - HallowQueen

"they r just lame" - Caleb (sobbing)

"literally one of my fears, absolutely terrifying" - Ashley

"i mean clowns are pretty weird" - Swrds

"Neither. They're depressing. They don't get paid much because they are clowns - and have you seen how many they stuff in a car?" - Purpz

"neither they are boring" - Chiara

"clowns are funny, unless it's elly in the clown costume then it's both" -Terry

"Funny when you scare children.. scary when they're near me." - Hayley

"Why can't they be both?" - Abi

"I don't know but I don't like them" - Chao

"Scary" - Fire

"Scary. Thank It and Killer clowns from outer space for that." - Nova

"They scare me tbh you wouldnt see me in a room alone with a clown" - Pizza

"Both, depends what the clown is like, some clowns look rlly cool and are funny and others are creepy" - Becca

" depends, funny if they fail at being scary" - Madi

"Depends on the clown and the vibe they give off. To me, majority are dope and funny, others like erm a specific clown that shall not be named is scary" - Gapple

"Clowns are funny" - Esther

"Scary, for sure. The only clown I've ever laughed at is Elly" - Amy

"Clowns are scary. You can't be THAT happy all the time, it's creepy" - Alfie

"Scary" - Quick

"Depressing" - Jib

"clowns are…….horrific" - Venom

"No clown has ever been funny. They are only scary" - Cele

"scary" - Dacon

"scary. my grandma bought me this metre tall clown when i was 10 that sat on a swing and i put him in my closest and hid him and one day he wasn't there and I cried so hard bc I thought he was gonna get revenge on me for hiding him away but in reality my mum just gave him back to my grandma without telling me LMFAO" - Pesto

"i just think grown men dressing up in wigs and facepaint to hangout with children is a little wonky... " - Abbie

"Bottled water, I'm a snob and only like Evian." - HallowQueen

"filtered water is the way to go! although tap water is pretty good most of the time as well" - Caleb

"Water is water" - Dutchy

"Tap water" - Niels

"hot take but tap water tastes better, love a bit of chalk in my water mmmm" - Swrds

"Bottled water, it tastes more expensive" - SkyDieGame

"Depends where you're from. The tap water is safe and tasty where I live - and it doesn't cost anything extra or add plastic bottles to the environment that some poor turtle will eat." - Purpz

"cold tap water but warm/hot bottled water" - Terry

"Neither. Refrigerator water" - Chao

"Tap" - Fire

"Bottled water, im not tryna die from lead poisoning" - Pizza

"bottled water 10000% its just so crisp" - Becca

"also depends, some places have nasty tap water but generally tap water is better" - Madi

"Generally I'll just drink tap water/filtered water so I think that's better. I also get that 'new bottle' taste w/ water + Isnt some bottled water just tap water? o.o" - Gapple

" Bottled water, I despise tap water ick" - Amy

"Bottle.. cause someone spent time cleaning all the tap water" - Kade

"Tap water, we aren’t millionaire here my guy" - Jib

"tap water if your in the country bottle water in the city" - Venom

"Tap water in a bottle with a sippy lid" - Cele

"bottled unless its dasani, shits poison" - Dacon

"Bottled water for sureeeeee. Every tap makes water taste different. Not a fan of that." - Pesto

" i dont really care, it just has to be so cold that it hurts my teeth. although i did go through my 2015 voss water bottle phase. i also really like ph balanced water (theres a cool brand that has art on the bottles, super cool.) soo i guess im leaning bottled, but will drink whatever if its cold ." - Abbie

"Anything is a sandwich if you're brave enough" - HallowQueen

" no its a hotdog, sandwiches have two separate buns and a hotdog only has one. hotdogs are their own species" - Ashley

"No, if you think differently I will have to disband any friendship we might have" - Dutchy

"no, a hot dog is a sausage in a roll, if you replace the sausage with ham or something it doesnt become a ham sandwich" - Swrds

"Ehm, never thought about it before. So thanks for making me stay up all night to figure it out" - SkyDieGame

"A hot dog is a sandwich because Matt Pat said so on Food Theory" - Purpz

" a hotdog is a hotdog, it’s its own thing" - Chiara

"If you're a hot dog and you're not a sandwich then hot dogs aren't sandwiches." - Hayley

"No its a sausage..duh" - Abi

"Yes, as it is still meat and condiments between two places of bread." - Nova

"A hot dog by itself isnt. Hot dog in a bun is a sandwich" - Pizza

"a hot dog is NOT a sandwhich" - Becca

"I dont believe it's a sandwich I believe it's more like a taco/wrap thing especially if the bread is still attached on one side" - Gapple

"A hot dog is not a sandwich" - Esther

"Bread with stuff in it = sandwich, so yes" - Amy

"A hot dog isn't a sandwich, don't be absurd" - Alfie

"Yes" - Quick

" No.. most people may argue that it is because you rest it in between the folds of a bun.. The true answer comes down to the ingredients and in sandwiches you can identify the meats..usually except the nasty stuff like mock chicken... Ham sandwiches... turkey sandwiches... etc.. you can distinguish the types of meats you put between the bread products... Hot dogs are the hoof, butts, and unementional parts of all animals that no one wants to know what they are eating... they are ground and the sludge is rolled into an appealing shape which is sold as its own unique thing.. never sold as a sandwich.." - Kade

"Is cereal a soup?" - Jib

"hot dog is a sandwich and so it pizza and pie" - Venom

"negative" - Dacon

"Yeah, its a sandwich. ingredients between bread. Anything like that is a sandwich" - Pesto

" is a burger a sandwich? dumb question no its not a sandwich. it all has to do with what type of bread is used. if i put cheese and ham in a tortilla wrap, its a wrap not a sandwich, if i put cheese and ham in a ciabatta roll it would be a sandwich." - Abbie

In conclusion, the aussies are all wrong. One person thinks pants should go on all 4 legs of a dog. And we can all agree except the weirdos that clowns are just not it. Thank yall for reading :) I hope you liked this.​
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2021
bottled water is tab water. anyway, best way to do drink water, get a glass of water fill up with water leave it outside for about 30mins on a 17 degree Celcius day then BOOM you got yourself perfect water.


Forum Master
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 2, 2021
331 5
there is no right way for dogs to wear pants. theyre animals, not humans


Skyblock Mod+ | Islands/Survival/Olympus Mod
Dec 25, 2020
147 17


Forum Master
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 2, 2021
331 5
the real question is whether you wear socks in bed


Forum God
Jan 1, 2017
963 435
Welcome back!

Last time we got controversial with questions like, do straws have one hole or two, but now we are getting even worse. We have the age defining question of "is a hotdog a sandwich" as well as some amazing others. We also have even more participants, including the wonderful owners and @pesto that I somehow forgot last time!

"over it's bag legs, with the buttons on it's stomach, like it's a people." - HallowQueen

"dogs are not supposed to wear pants, so not at all" - Caleb (cries)

"Same as humans" - Dutchy

"Dog shouldn’t wear pants (only when it’s necessary for there health)" - Niels

"On das dogg butt" - SkyDieGame

"There is no right way for a dog to wear pants." - Purpz

"they don’t need to wear pants, but his hind ones " - Chiara

" all 4 legs and around the waist - if it's only the behind two legs imagine if another species tried to wear pants (spiders, jellyfish etc) - just wouldn't make sense" - Terry

"Dogs are meant to wear pants? I'm so sorry for looking at the dog's tail!" - Hayley

"There is no right way, dogs should not wear pants. They were born to be free..." - Abi

"Over the butt and back legs only, the rear cut out for bathroom breaks and the tail." - Nova

"dogs wear pants? uhm by putting their legs and tail through? pls idk" - Becca

"on the back paws, you would need to cut a hole for the tail first tho" - Madi

"Both ways are right (all legs/just back legs)" - Esther

"Covering the back legs, not all of them, the front legs are their arms, duh" - Amy

"There isn't a right way. It's a dog. No dog looks good in pants" - Alfie

"People who dress their dog.. should rethink their choices in life" - Kade

"However it god damn wants to now mind your own business" - Jib

"on its ears so they go flop" - Venom

"with difficulty" - Cele

"clearly just back legs. thats dumb to have all 4 legs. We don't have all 4 limbs in our pants" - Pesto

" dogs shouldn't wear pants, but i gave my dog a dress one time." - Abbie

"Clowns are just ........ they exist, and I hate it" - HallowQueen

"they r just lame" - Caleb (sobbing)

"literally one of my fears, absolutely terrifying" - Ashley

"i mean clowns are pretty weird" - Swrds

"Neither. They're depressing. They don't get paid much because they are clowns - and have you seen how many they stuff in a car?" - Purpz

"neither they are boring" - Chiara

"clowns are funny, unless it's elly in the clown costume then it's both" -Terry

"Funny when you scare children.. scary when they're near me." - Hayley

"Why can't they be both?" - Abi

"I don't know but I don't like them" - Chao

"Scary" - Fire

"Scary. Thank It and Killer clowns from outer space for that." - Nova

"They scare me tbh you wouldnt see me in a room alone with a clown" - Pizza

"Both, depends what the clown is like, some clowns look rlly cool and are funny and others are creepy" - Becca

" depends, funny if they fail at being scary" - Madi

"Depends on the clown and the vibe they give off. To me, majority are dope and funny, others like erm a specific clown that shall not be named is scary" - Gapple

"Clowns are funny" - Esther

"Scary, for sure. The only clown I've ever laughed at is Elly" - Amy

"Clowns are scary. You can't be THAT happy all the time, it's creepy" - Alfie

"Scary" - Quick

"Depressing" - Jib

"clowns are…….horrific" - Venom

"No clown has ever been funny. They are only scary" - Cele

"scary" - Dacon

"scary. my grandma bought me this metre tall clown when i was 10 that sat on a swing and i put him in my closest and hid him and one day he wasn't there and I cried so hard bc I thought he was gonna get revenge on me for hiding him away but in reality my mum just gave him back to my grandma without telling me LMFAO" - Pesto

"i just think grown men dressing up in wigs and facepaint to hangout with children is a little wonky... " - Abbie

"Bottled water, I'm a snob and only like Evian." - HallowQueen

"filtered water is the way to go! although tap water is pretty good most of the time as well" - Caleb

"Water is water" - Dutchy

"Tap water" - Niels

"hot take but tap water tastes better, love a bit of chalk in my water mmmm" - Swrds

"Bottled water, it tastes more expensive" - SkyDieGame

"Depends where you're from. The tap water is safe and tasty where I live - and it doesn't cost anything extra or add plastic bottles to the environment that some poor turtle will eat." - Purpz

"cold tap water but warm/hot bottled water" - Terry

"Neither. Refrigerator water" - Chao

"Tap" - Fire

"Bottled water, im not tryna die from lead poisoning" - Pizza

"bottled water 10000% its just so crisp" - Becca

"also depends, some places have nasty tap water but generally tap water is better" - Madi

"Generally I'll just drink tap water/filtered water so I think that's better. I also get that 'new bottle' taste w/ water + Isnt some bottled water just tap water? o.o" - Gapple

" Bottled water, I despise tap water ick" - Amy

"Bottle.. cause someone spent time cleaning all the tap water" - Kade

"Tap water, we aren’t millionaire here my guy" - Jib

"tap water if your in the country bottle water in the city" - Venom

"Tap water in a bottle with a sippy lid" - Cele

"bottled unless its dasani, shits poison" - Dacon

"Bottled water for sureeeeee. Every tap makes water taste different. Not a fan of that." - Pesto

" i dont really care, it just has to be so cold that it hurts my teeth. although i did go through my 2015 voss water bottle phase. i also really like ph balanced water (theres a cool brand that has art on the bottles, super cool.) soo i guess im leaning bottled, but will drink whatever if its cold ." - Abbie

"Anything is a sandwich if you're brave enough" - HallowQueen

" no its a hotdog, sandwiches have two separate buns and a hotdog only has one. hotdogs are their own species" - Ashley

"No, if you think differently I will have to disband any friendship we might have" - Dutchy

"no, a hot dog is a sausage in a roll, if you replace the sausage with ham or something it doesnt become a ham sandwich" - Swrds

"Ehm, never thought about it before. So thanks for making me stay up all night to figure it out" - SkyDieGame

"A hot dog is a sandwich because Matt Pat said so on Food Theory" - Purpz

" a hotdog is a hotdog, it’s its own thing" - Chiara

"If you're a hot dog and you're not a sandwich then hot dogs aren't sandwiches." - Hayley

"No its a sausage..duh" - Abi

"Yes, as it is still meat and condiments between two places of bread." - Nova

"A hot dog by itself isnt. Hot dog in a bun is a sandwich" - Pizza

"a hot dog is NOT a sandwhich" - Becca

"I dont believe it's a sandwich I believe it's more like a taco/wrap thing especially if the bread is still attached on one side" - Gapple

"A hot dog is not a sandwich" - Esther

"Bread with stuff in it = sandwich, so yes" - Amy

"A hot dog isn't a sandwich, don't be absurd" - Alfie

"Yes" - Quick

" No.. most people may argue that it is because you rest it in between the folds of a bun.. The true answer comes down to the ingredients and in sandwiches you can identify the meats..usually except the nasty stuff like mock chicken... Ham sandwiches... turkey sandwiches... etc.. you can distinguish the types of meats you put between the bread products... Hot dogs are the hoof, butts, and unementional parts of all animals that no one wants to know what they are eating... they are ground and the sludge is rolled into an appealing shape which is sold as its own unique thing.. never sold as a sandwich.." - Kade

"Is cereal a soup?" - Jib

"hot dog is a sandwich and so it pizza and pie" - Venom

"negative" - Dacon

"Yeah, its a sandwich. ingredients between bread. Anything like that is a sandwich" - Pesto

" is a burger a sandwich? dumb question no its not a sandwich. it all has to do with what type of bread is used. if i put cheese and ham in a tortilla wrap, its a wrap not a sandwich, if i put cheese and ham in a ciabatta roll it would be a sandwich." - Abbie

In conclusion, the aussies are all wrong. One person thinks pants should go on all 4 legs of a dog. And we can all agree except the weirdos that clowns are just not it. Thank yall for reading :) I hope you liked this.​

You know, if I was writing this, It would be actually controversial with crazier stuff than this,

All in all, I actually don't really read the responses for the questions, but I read the questions, because people know how to come up with interesting stuff. These questions should be on jeopardy.


Forum God
Aug 5, 2019
1,232 233


Dedicated Member
Mar 21, 2019
157 29
I like putting whatever on the outside of bread so after i'm finished I have a delicious snack afterwards just waiting to be sucked because who tf uses paper towels and tissues to clean that off your fingers. :rolls_eyes:


Forum Master
QA Team
QA Team
Mar 2, 2021
331 5
i dont even know why socks in bed is controversial. its common sense to wear socks when you are cold


Forum Expert
Oct 10, 2019
410 14
my answers are correct, the others are wrong and you shouldn't listen to them


Dedicated Member
Sep 29, 2019
93 5