Pig Grinding Process: Slave to Riches + How to Build the Best Grinder :D

Dec 11, 2018
How to get started:
1. Do not start buying spawners unless you have a sell multiplier(Hades or Donor) and have access to the God Mine(Rank 25)
2. Use your mana to upgrade your fortune to 25 overtime, that will get you money fast during the process from Slave to God. You should save up the 75 million to get the 1.25% Multiplier. (/rebirth *click Hades*)
3. After obtaining the 1.25% sell multiplier rank back up to God. You will then make upwards of 300k-500k per inventory in God Mine. Use this money to start buying spawners.
4. A rookie mistake is making a tiny grinder to start off with, (3x3 - 5x5) but there is no point. The minimum size I would say you could make a grinder is 9x9. Anything smaller would be decreasing your profits.

How to Build the PERFECT grinder:
(A picture guide) This example will be 9x9.
Ideal Grinder size is 13x13 to 15x15 but 9x9 to 11x11 is good as well!
1. 9 stone on each side:

2. Add a layer of grass to the 9x9 stone:


3. Add stone next to the grass layer to place pistons on.

grass stone.png

4. Add pistons(facing the inside of the grinder) on top of the outer stone layer.

5. Add a stone square outlining the pistons.
stone square.png

6. Add a 7x2 area on any corner side of the grinder (a material where redstone is placable.)

7. Next add your 8-hopper clock (Hoppers have to be going into each-other in a circuit form.)


8. Next add a Redstone Comparator in front of your clock. Then add a sticky piston (Facing UP!) level with the comparator. Then put a redstone repeater in front of the sticky piston.


9. Copy this exact layout to create the timed redstone circuit to activate your pistons! (MAKE SURE YOU PUT A BLOCK ON TOP OF THE STICKY PISTON TO BREAK THE TIMED CIRCUIT!!!!!!!!!!)


10. Place a redstone into your hopper clock to start the timer.


11. REPEAT! Start a new 9x9 grass layer (Each grass layer should have three air in between. ) To create a new layer, repeat steps 2-10! :D

Max attachment limit is 10 so I will create another post to continue this! I hope this helped some people :D and good luck with your grinder creating :D.. ~~~~ Wincho (Eli Snyder)


Olympus Mod+
Nov 19, 2018
2,351 83
Thanks for this guide, honestly I have absolutely no clue when it comes to grinders, so I'll be sure to use this in the future! I know that new and existing players will also find this useful, as new players usually have a ton of questions about how to make money quickly, and efficient grinders.

I'll be sure to direct them to this, thanks again for taking the time to create this!