Skyblock Ancient Trials Guide


Active Member
Apr 22, 2020
45 2
I've seen more people playing trials on Oasis now and asking a lot of questions, so I thought I should make a guide of how to win quite easily.
I will explain the way that I get my wins, so of course this isn't the only method, but one that I know works. Thanks to AZNCreeper for helping me make this.

Trials Basics
Ancient trials consists of 10 waves. 9 waves of enemies, and the 10th being the boss, Zulrah. You pick a kit, and are able to buy items throughout trials with XP. Every mob drops XP; the number depending on which wave you're on.
The next wave starts immediately after you kill the last mob, so if you are low on health don't kill the mob until you have regened.
If you are close to death, just run away. There's a large outer circle on the map, and it's very easy to hide from the mobs.
Hold shift to see mobs through walls. This is helpful because sometimes it's difficult to find the last enemy.
Watch your back. If a mob gets behind you while you have a bunch in front of you, they can easily hit you into the hoard and kill you.

The best tip I can give is to BE PATIENT. Be patient with yourself and with the game. You will mess up, but eventually trials becomes very easy. Kill the mobs slowly if you need to. Take time to heal.

Trials can be very glitchy and laggy. I don't recommend playing trials if you've been experiencing lag on other servers. The 3 main glitches I'm aware of are that mobs can spawn in the ground (but usually suffocate), waves won't progress when all mobs are dead, and not being teleported to the lobby after beating Zulrah. If you kill all the mobs and the wave doesn't end, it sucks but you have to just burn yourself and restart.

If you kill Zulrah, but aren't teleported to the lobby, burn yourself. Sometimes it will say you have completed the trials, but others it will say you failed. If you failed, take a screenshot of the text saying "___ has defeated Zulrah" and "You have failed the ancient trials." Then make a ticket, and you will receive your tokens.

Kit & What to Buy
Tank Kit - Diamond armor, stone sword, and 3 golden apples
The stone sword is a little inconvenient, but it's worth it to get full diamond armor and golden apples. The golden apples should be saved until wave 10 if possible.

OP Sword - 60 Levels
The OP Sword should be your first purchase. You can usually buy this during/after wave 4, but sometimes you get unlucky with XP and have to wait until wave 5 or even 6.

Bow - 30 Levels
The Bow should be your second purchase. The bow is very important for wave 9, and all the arrows given with it should be saved.

Fire Resistance Potion - 10 Levels
This helps greatly with wave 10 as Zulrah has some fire attacks.

Your remaining XP should be spent on items to assist with Zulrah. Milk is good for his wither attack. Enderpearls are also decent. I usually buy 1 milk bucket and more golden apples if I can.

Wave 1 - Zombies
Easy wave. Just kill all the zombies.

Wave 2 - Zombies & Skeletons
Another easy wave.

Wave 3 - Zombie Pigmen & Wither Skeletons
Kill the pigmen first. Then lead the skeletons to the outer circles and back up while hitting them so they can't hit you.

Wave 4 - Magma Cubes & Shulkers
The main XP wave. You should hopefully get to level 60 on this wave. Kill the shulkers first, and don't forget that you can hit their attacks so you don't go flying in the air.

Wave 5 - Polar Bears, Husks, & Strays
If you weren't able to buy the OP Sword after wave 4, play this one slow. Once you have the sword this round is pretty easy. Make sure you don't kill the polar bears last as the next wave can spawn before the bears are dead. But it is very important to end this round with a lot of health!

Wave 6 - Endermen & Witches
This round can be tricky. If you aren't near full health or just want to ensure you don't die, eat a golden apple at the start. Sit in the middle of the map and let the endermen come to you. This way the witches can't poison you. Kill the endermen, then kill the witches 1 at a time, but be careful to not get direct hit by poison because it lasts much longer.

Wave 7 - Evokers
There are 4 evokers. Kill them all ASAP. After they're all dead the vexes will start to die as well. They're tricky to hit so I just run circle around the middle until they die.

Wave 8 - Vindicators & Blazes
I usually go for the blazes first. Strafe when running at blazes so you can avoid their fire. Vindicators are easy to kill, but they are fast and do lots of damage.

Wave 9 - Iron Golems, Ghasts, & Blazes (Creepers)
You should almost always have the bow by this round. Head to the outer circle and shoot the ghasts. You can't deflect their shots in trials. Sometimes creepers spawn on this wave. They can assist you in killing the iron golems, or you can just blow all of them up at once. After the ghasts are dead, go for the blazes. Avoid the iron golems until every blaze is dead. Get 1 iron golem to attack you at a time, and run them around the outer circle. They are the hardest mob to kill. Back up slowly and swing to hit them without them hitting you. Try to have full health when you end this wave.

Wave 10 - Zulrah
Zulrah is fairly simple. He has 3 main forms: wither, ice, and fire, which appear at random. Make sure you have a fire resistance potion for this wave and use it whenever he is in the fire form. Eat a golden apple and charge Zulrah, doing as much damage as possible before backing off to heal, and repeat. Be careful when he is in the wither form, because you take much more damage. Just take your time and make sure you have plenty of hearts when attacking.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps! Please let me know if I should add any missing information, or reword anything.
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Forum Legend
Aug 11, 2019
1,903 47
Another tip,
When you're in wave 10 and have drank the fire resistance pot, you can stand in the fire. Zulrah wont be able to reach you with melee but you can still hit him.

Very oso good guide!


Forum Legend
Jun 10, 2018
994 38
This is so helpful! As someone that is trying to get into skyblock more, thank you sm <3


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2017
17 2
I completed the trials just a day ago,

Here are some tips if you might still need them. Remember to run away and regen, it might not look like a lot but it sure helps. Here's what I exactly did to complete the trials.


I hope this helps!
pssssst don't forget to /warp hd !!!